I have always been a maker, as a Graphic Designer, Textile Designer, Illustrator and Jewelry Designer with over 10 years of experience.
Kimagureya means "capricious", but it's also a play on words, as the suffix "-ya" means "shop"! I'm most definitely someone who likes to study and work on a lot of different forms of art at once, and the name of my shop reflects that.
My focus is on katazome, a traditional Japanese textile printing process which involves the dyeing of fabrics or paper by laying down rice paste as a resist, using handcut stencils. It's a lot of work and despite working on it for 3 years now, still learn a lot with every new print I make.
You can email me at erika.koga.harada@gmail.com, or
fill out the form below. I'll get back to you soon!

Photo by Logan Westom